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  • Group Circles 

  • One-on-One*

  • At Home Private Circles*

Initiated by a powerful Earth's sacred medicine, the Mycelia Ceremony is an intimate space where mystical journeys are the norm, the ideal circle where to deeply reconnect to your soul's purpose and find order in the chaos of modern life. 

* You are welcome to enquire about the 1:1 and At-Home Private Circles here

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  • Group Classes*

  • Group Workshops*

The Inner Union Ritual is a space where we cultivate inner peace, tranquility and wisdom by unifying the polarities within.

The earthly and the celestial

The feminine and the masculine

The rational and the emotional

The intellect and the intuitive

As above so below, as within so without.


Only by making space for All-That-Is one can achieve self-mastery.

If you would like to book the Inner Union Ritual for your event, let us know here !

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© 2023 par Temple de la Rose Dorée. Binta Rosadore Diallo-Dieng

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